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Ebook: Cybersecurity Architect's Handbook i Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365

Z Polska
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Opis ze strony Helionu:
Cybersecurity Architect's Handbook. An end-to-end guide to implementing and maintaining robust security architecture
Stepping into the role of a Cybersecurity Architect (CSA) is no mean feat, as it requires both upskilling and a fundamental shift in the way you view cybersecurity altogether. Cybersecurity Architect’s Handbook is an all-encompassing guide, introducing the essential skills for aspiring CSAs, outlining a path for cybersecurity engineers and newcomers to evolve into architects, and sharing best practices to enhance the skills of existing CSAs.
Following a brief introduction to the role and foundational concepts, this book will help you understand the day-to-day challenges faced by CSAs, supported by practical examples. You'll gain insights into assessing and improving your organization’s security posture, concerning system, hardware, and software security. You'll also get to grips with setting user and system policies and protocols through effective monitoring and enforcement, along with understanding countermeasures that protect the system from unauthorized access attempts.
To prepare you for the road ahead and augment your existing skills, the book provides invaluable tips and practices that will contribute to your success as a CSA. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to take up the CSA role and execute robust security solutions.…htm

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6 Komentarzy

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  1. Awatar użytkownika M_K4
    Nie ma nikt linka bezpośredniego? Ewentualnie prv
    Awatar użytkownika jodrex
    Chodzi o pierwszą książkę? Jeśli tak to autor był już tak uprzejmy:
    "lub pobrać tu (link będzie dostępny 7 dni):…4Da"
    Jeśli chodzi o drugą, to również czekam, bo leniwy jestem.
  2. Awatar użytkownika Dak0
    Dzięki Ci dobry człowieku. Niech Ci Bóg to wynagrodzi życiem bez ransomware, 0-day i innych badziewi.